2.2 Energy Dieta
Ayahuasca preparation is partially about ‘hard biological’ concerns of safety which are avoided by a physical Dieta. In the previous lessons I gave you guidelines recipes, meal plans and shopping lists in order to prepare you safely. In addition, in the very first lesson of this course I described who should not be drinking Ayahuasca for safety reasons.
But physical concerns are not the only aspect of a Dieta. It is also important to consider the different energies we are ‘dieting’ based on our various senses and influences. This is because a human also has an energy body not just a physical body and a lot of our trauma is in both the physical and energy bodies.
Hence I also suggest you take an audit of the ‘energetic’ influences in your life and seek to replace these with ‘positive energies’ where needed. Here are examples of ‘influences’ in your life you may want to temporarily replace for your Ayahusca Preparation.
NB: I reliase this may be difficult for some people so please use these as guidelines BUT ones that you DO make an effort to satisfy even if you are not perfect at it. When we encounter an aspect of Dieta which we dont like or find difficult it is important that we make an effort to achieve it. This is the kind of sacrifice which La Madre finds appealing as it shows humility. When you, even when you dont want to, make an effor to satisfy the rules of The Dieta La Madre literally understands that you have at least attempted or ‘sacrificed’ somewhat. This will not go un-noticed.
Our Energy Bodies (and spiritual potency) is significantly influenced by by our sex lives. When we release energy through an orgasm we lose energy (Kundalini som may say) for our spiritual progression. That is because, in my opnion, our sexual energy is the same pool of energy we draw from to do spiritual work. Our sexual energy is our creative force and when we retain it (by refraining from sex and masturbation AND Pornography) we ‘save up’ a lot of ‘spending power’ in relation to how much we can direct towards our spiritual development while preparing and drinking Ayahuasca.
As such for the period of your Dieta, whichever length you are doing this for, and your Integration period reduce and refrain from sex, masturbation and especially pornography. If you cannot refrain completely at least reduce these things as a show of control and humility for the process. It will be appreciated by La Madre and you personally will have more effective healing ceremonies.
Pornography: A special note is probably needed here as this is very common these days. Graphic Pornography is very damaging to our energy body and you should seriously attempt to remove it completely. If this is a problem for you especially this may be a great intention for one of your ceremonies to ask La Madre to help you remove this aspect (addiction?). If you are finding it hard to do this attempt to replace pornography with your imagination or instead consume more ‘soft porn’. For eg, consume tasteful and simple nudes perhaps even of an artistic nature instead of graphic intercourse. See below for an example of a site with tasteful nudes.
Screen time:
Seek to reduce screen time from mobile, laptop, desktop, kindles etc. Especially 2-3 hours before sleeping – see section below on sleep.
Instead replace screen time with reading a physical book or meditation or mantra. See below for a great mantra from The Rig Veda called Gaytri Mantra. There is also an Aum Mantra which is easier to pronounce but also very good. I prefer the Gaytri but play with either to see what you like. The Gaytri is a very powerful mantra for clearing negative energy.
Social Media:
When you are using a screen, reduce the time you spend interacting on social media especially if it is of a negative influence like arguing or debating various contentious topics like politics, religion, culture war topics etc. Negative interactions of this kind can drain us very greatly and sit in our energy bodies causing stress which allows the potential for negative entities to gain a foothold.
Instead replace with reading a physical book or meditation or mantra as above. At the end of this lesson see the reading/listening list.
Negative people or social events:
If you have particular friends, aquaintences or social events which you find particularly draining then also refrain from these for the period of your Dieta.
Instead replace with reading a physical book or meditation or mantra as above. At the end of this lesson see the reading/listening list.
If you are seeking entertainment try to avoid social, very exciting large crowd type situations. We are attempting to do internal work by drinking Ayahuasca and these kinds of energies are somewhat opposite than our introspective goals.
Instead replace with reading a physical book or meditation or mantra as above. At the end of this lesson see the reading/listening list.
We can also seek to make positive replacements of any influences from our senses. In Yogic schools of thought this is related to the concept of Pratyahara where we are mindful of the things in which we let influence us via our senses. Things we take in via our senses all act upon us on an energetic level and so when we ‘clean these up’ we also clean our energy body. Sometimes people also refer to this as ‘raising one’s vibration’.
Gaze upon a beautiful artwork (not on a screen), or the blue sky of day, the starry sky of night or a beautiful ocean or mountain vista. A fire also works well. Soak it in, try to focus only on the colours, the feeling it emotes to you.
You can also replace clothing made of plastic fabrics with natural cotton or organic ones. Especially to sleep. This could include your bedsheets and or yoga mat. Natural fibres are best.
For your ceremony in particular you may want to get a white cotton set of pants and shirt. White Shamic style. If you are heading to Peru these can be found in local markets or ask a friendly local to help you find a shop selling them.
Replace negative (heavy metal music for eg but even pop music is to be avoided mostly) or overly emotional music (especially music that makes one melancholic) with natural sounds like those from Flute, Lyre, Solfeggio Frequencies or 432 Frequency. The Aum and Gaytri Mantras below are not really for listening too over and over again – they are more reserved for chanting but they also have a similar benefit as the sounds in Mantra and Sandskrit are specifically made to offer spiritual development. Mantra are a very powerful and easy tool for this kind of work.
Try to enjoy your food. Even though you will be on an Alkaline Diet you could still enjoy a stevia flavoured or natural honey flavoured green or chamomile tea. Fruit (not overripe to avoid Tyramine and increased blood pressure) is also a great treat especially some cool watermelon for example. Don’t go overboard with sugary fruit but as a small portion as a treat can be a nice experience to enjoy.
Use aromtherapy in your bedroom and or house. Burning incense (Sage for eg) is a very powerful tool and is even considered a very worthy sacrifice in some Pagan cultures like those of Ancient Greece. This pairs well with meditation or a sleep routine as well.

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