2.5 Reading/Listening List
Here are some books/audio along the lines of Ayahuasca and Spiritual themes which you may like to use in your preparation for Ayahuasca or when you have some downtime. My aim here is to give you books which are not analytical overly or modern science type books but more based in spiritual practices and knowledge as suits the experience you are about to have in drinking Ayahuasca.
- The Cosmic Serpent by Jeremy Narby. There is no better book in my opnion to learn about Ayahuasca in Amazonian Tradition. A must read.
- The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda. Learn about a real life Shamanic initiation and teachings over the course of 10 years. When you read this you will get a great appreciation for the kinds of things a Shaman knows, can do and his relationship with plants and their spirits. An excellent book and he wrote 10 more you could find if you wanted also.
- The Holy Science by Sri Yukteswar. Sri Yukteswar was Vivekenanda’s (famous Yogi in USA from early 20th century) master. This book is from the late 1890’s and I especially love the first chapter which describes Yuga’s and Dharma as results of the changing ‘quality and amount of light’ from ‘The Galactic Sun’. If you are familiar with The Bible the books overall intention is to draw parallels between Vedic thought and Biblical stories so a common ground could be made between India and The West but I mostly focus on chapter 1.
- The Orphich Hyms: The Orphic Poems are poems/songs from the Ancient Greeks probabaly circa 700 BC although they probabaly represent traditions far older. They are poems which are ways to commune with The Gods. The Greeks were very familiar with psychedelics and used them in their ‘Mysteries’ which were more or less shamanic ceremonies based on older traditions. I beleive that ‘La Madre’ is simply another name from a different culture for ‘Rhea’ who the Greeks knew. Same deity different name.
- There might not be different gods between cultures just diff cultures percieving the same spirits.
- See below for a PDF version of the Orphich Hyms. I would start with the one for Rhea as this is ‘La Madre’ (in my opnion) but you could also just use the first one called ‘Orpheus to Mousaios”.
- Gaytri Mantra
- Aum Mantra
- 432 Frequency
- Anishinaabe Spirit Bear Song: Watch and listen to this video in order to ‘commune’ with The Bear Spirit. It is a similar style of communion that is offered by The Orphic Hyms also.
- Icaros: An Icaros is a song sung by a Shaman/Curandera in Shipibo Ayahuaschero tradition. It is the kind of song you will hear in an Amazonian style (different tribes and Shaman have different songs and methods) Ayahuasca Ceremony. Music you will come to find is a very powerful tool in spiritual communion and Ayahuasca Ceremony is no different.
- This is Aime singing Icaros, who I sat with in ceremony in 2018/2019, in Peru and she allowed me to see my ‘inner child’ – red and angry as it was at that time. I’m slowly healing it 🙏🏼

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