1.1 Who should not drink Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is not for everyone and so before we get started I want to first make sure people who take this course further understand if it is safe for them personally.
Note: nothing in this course is medical advice of replaces the advice from your qualified doctor.
Ayahuasca is not safe for everyone and so before we get started I want to first make sure people who take this course understand if it is safe for them or not to drink Ayahuasca.
Pharmaceutical Medications:
Some pharmaceutical medications do not mix safely with Ayahuasca. Others are OK. You should consult your doctor if you are taking ANY medications and understand whether they are safe or not with Ayahuasca.
Ayahuasca contains an MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) and some medications do not mix safely with it. Some examples (but this is not a full list) are SRRI & SNRI medications used for depression and any drug which contraindicates with MAOI’s.
If you have specific questions about specific medications then you need to consult your doctor.
Pregnant or lactating women should not drink Ayahuasca at all as it has been linked to miscarriage. If you are unsure if you are pregnant please check first before proceeding.
History of Psychosis:
If you personally or someone in your immediate family has a history of Psychosis (day hallucinations and problems with reality perception like in Schizophrenia) then it is not generally recommended that you drink Ayahuasca as this can worsen these conditions.
Long term illnesses:
If you are going off of medications for a long term illness in order to prepare for Ayahuasca then you should consult your doctor about the details of going off such medications. It’s possible that these medications could be contraindicated (mixes unsafely with) Ayahuasca as discussed above or it is perhaps unsafe for you to be without medications for the duration of the retreat.
<< If none of the above apply to you or you have taken time to research them with your doctor them feel free to proceed with the course. >>
- I have based the above off of my own research while preparing myself for Ayahuasca but also with the help of Gaia Sagrada Retreat Medical Guidelines.
- Your retreat may also have more specific guidelines you will want to take into account.
- Nothing in this course should be considered medical advice. I am not a qualified doctor and any questions or details about whether Ayahuasca is safe to ingest for you personally is the responsibility of you and your doctor to understand and avoid prior to drinking Ayahuasca.

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