Over 66 days I journal daily with the specific aim of transitioning to a ‘new me’. You can stack these 66 day periods one after the other which if done for a while can produce great results and a lot of change and self knowledge of where you were making unconscious decisions. The journaling turns these unconscious decisions into conscious and understood patterns. Once you understand how an unconscious pattern came about you have ‘shone the light of consciousness’ on it and you basically can stop the negative patterns and promote the good ones you like because you now understand how the pattern was emerging, when, with whom, what happened directly before it etc etc.
It’s 66 days because I read thats the time is takes for new Neurology to form ie the actual structures and it seemed like a good long length of time to really make lasting change. Neurology houses your emotions and thoughts and behaviors. When we change our patterns of behaviour, thoughts and emotions from negative to positive we build these into our neurology and they become our lived experience. Coincidentally (or not?) 66 days is approximately the length of time I was recommended to do Dieta when I first drank Ayahuasca. 1 month prior, 1-2 weeks in a retreat and 4 weeks after. Maybe there is some wisdom in that which Shaman know that Neuroscientists later understood? Who knows, anyhoo.
So, over 66 days I do this
Phase 1 – Days 1-7 (observation)
Write everyday about what I am doing and feeling.
What does my morning routine look like?
What does my ‘daytime’ (ie work or study) look like?
What does my sleep routine (2-3 hrs) before bed look like?
How did I feel today? I work through some generic prompts which are just to trigger some emotions or feelings out of me.
Prompts: Was I tired today? How did I feel in my morning routine? How did I sleep? Was I tired when I woke up? Is anything bothering me today? Do I have any pain in my body today? Was I un-motivated today?
What did I eat/drink today?
Phase 2 – Days 8-15 (What do I want to cultivate for myself?)
Write everyday about what I’d like my ‘transformation’ to be. What I’d like my ‘alchemy’ to be. What changes do I want to see for myself?
What would I like to change about my routines? What feelings would I like to promote? Confidence? Happiness? Relax? What thoughts should I have more of? What thoughts should I have less of?
Phase 3 – Days 15-66 (bridging the gap)
From the pervious phases I now have a set of observations about how I am currently and also a transformation of where I’d like to be.
In phase 3 come up with a new routine of behaviours which supports the aspirational new me. This is not what Im doing now this is a routine of the things I need to be doing to make it to the person I identified in phase 2. What things do I need to be doing and feeling in order to transform to that person.
In the first few days of phase 3 I develop this new daily routine. What foods will you eat? What spiritual practices will I do? How will I get exercise? When will I see my GF? All of it.
Then go about trying to fulfill this aspirational routine.
You will inevitable have successes and failures in trying to achieve it. When you succeed you know what you’re good at. When you fail you know which parts of this new routine are difficult for you and you analyse why you failed.
An eg might be.

I didn’t keep to my diet and exercise regime on Tuesday. Ok so Wednesday comes about and you see you failed to achieve the routine yesterday. Great, there is an unconscious behaviour perhaps at play. So you go about trying to understand why you fell off the routine. You start to write in your journal and you say, oh yeah I remember feeling emotional after talking to my sister yesterday and I was a little tired and just sorta said ‘screw it, I’m not doing it today’.
OK so now you know (perhaps you didn’t already know it so well) that when you get emotional about family issues you tend to treat yourself with junk food and this made you too full to go for a run. You also remembered you didn’t have the food you eat on your diet physically in the fridge and it was easy to run over the road and grab a Pizza instead.

So, the next time you are with your family you know that sometimes you gave ‘big emotions’ and it makes you ‘lose’ your ideal self. So, before seeing your family next you made sure you had some appropriate food in your house so when you got back it was easy just to eat a tasty but ‘on diet’ meal. You also expected that perhaps you may be emotional so you knew what to expect and it wasn’t a surprise. ie you made the unconscious -> conscious.
Slowly over time you start to notice all these tiny little things which throw you off being who you’d like to be and you slowly shine a light on them and understand them and take measures to mitigate the failures.
You could also focus on the successes but I prefer to focus on where I’m falling off personally. As you wish.
So, I do that in 66 day chunks. Tbh I sometimes only do it 3-5 times a week and thats OK. Thats just where I’m at. You could also analyze this and ask why you forgot to journal today.
Hope that helps!

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