Neural Reprogramming
Your brain’s Neurology responds to inputs and can be altered by our actions and thoughts but importantly we can use the efficiencies of Psychedelic powered Neurological Resets and Growth to make our brain’s more able to adapt to changes in thoughts and behaviors.
Table of Contents:
- 1.0 Neuro-plasticity: your brain’s neurology is malleable
- 2.0 Psychedelic Reset and Increased Neural Connections
- 3.0 How can we reprogram our Neurology with or without psychedelics
You’re brain is malleable when it comes to Neurology:
“Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change and adapt in response to the internal and external factors that shape it. The connections, functions and structures of the neurons reorganize themselves in response to repetitive input.” – Nicola Vignola author of ‘Rewire – break the Cycle, alter your thoughts and create lasting change‘.
So, from this quote I can say that your brain has the ability to adapt to internal and external factors through something called “Neuroplasticity”. Also, very important to note from this quote is, that ‘neurons… reorganize themselves in response to repetitive input‘.
My main takeaway from this is that we are able to change the brain structures of our minds (and body as neurons are not just in the brain) based on the inputs we give them. This is the basis of ‘reprogramming’. We can do this with or without psychedelics but that’s no fun 😉.
I think, changes in our neurology would take a lot longer and be of lower quality without psychedelics so why not use efficiencies if you can?
Our brain’s under psychedelics gets a ‘reset’:
Our brains Neurology has been compared to a ski field by Michael Pollen – author of ‘How to change your Mind‘ a book which explores the potential of Psychedelic Therapies.
He suggested that, and I’m paraphrasing, your brain is like a busy ski field. How so you ask?
In his analogy the ski field becomes worn and rutted as more and more people use it. At the beginning of the day it’s fresh and un-marked by peoples use but by the end of the day so many people have been using it that the ‘routes’ become deeply worn, rutted and muddy as snow is worn away and the rock and mud beneath is revealed.
Your brain after is has used Psychedelics, like Ayahuasca or Psilocybin in a therapeutic way**, is as if the mountain received a fresh coating of snow (a reset as it were) and the rutted marks left by skiers are covered over and filled in. A fresh start.
** Therapeutic psychedelics is the topic with which I coach on. See my courses for more info. It’s free and is backed by years of research and my own experimentation and learning. As we heal trauma we take this healing with us into our interactions with the world, it’s people and whatever non-material elements exist which hold onto these improved thoughts, actions and emotions. As such we can upgrade ourselves and the world slowly one person at a time.
To further analyze Michael’s analogy we might say that your Neural Connections, formed from your life’s choices and environment, are like the overused routes used by skiers. They have been formed and work but they also contain problems of ‘over use’ we might say. Over Use in this context is Trauma, stresses and strains from our childhood which may have been abusive, our experiences in life which may have been negative like that of a soldier etc etc.
As such our ‘day to day’ Neurology (‘Default Mode Network’ neurologists usually describe) not only contain all of your skills and abilities but also, within the same network, all of your trauma. Neurologists say colloquially that ‘Neurons that fire together, wire together’.
What they are alluding to here is that your your ‘trauma’ is housed within the same Network of neurons that you use to navigate the world. The same network some people call ‘Default Problem Solving Mode’ or ‘Default Mode Network. These are areas of the brain you use to navigate the world and do practical things like manage relationships, go to work, plan and strategize your life etc etc.
As such, in the course of your day to day life you also ‘carry around’ and activate memories of all your stresses and trauma. When one is activated the other is also aka ‘neurons that fire together, wire together’.
Need some examples?
Let’s say you start to do an activity, like play football, and all of a sudden all the negative comments from that one bad coach you had come back to you and you re-remember all of that negative energy. Why? Because, as I’ve described, the neurology you use to play football is intertwined also with those same negative comments and when one fires the other fires.
NB: The opposite could be true as well. Perhaps you had a great coach and you are filled with positive energy when you play something. In this case I suggest this is not something to heal. We are looking to heal the negative aspects.
This is a very specific example but serves its purpose. More generally your trauma can pop up basically at any time in unexpected ways. For example, whenever I encounter a situation where I am challenged I am often flooded with negative thoughts from my past where I was treated poorly or spoken down to by a loved one. I stop feeling capable as I feel all the negative energy come back to me and doing the task becomes very difficult.
So, how do we reprogram our Neurology?
- Make behavioral, thinking and lifestyle changes to be more in line with the way we would like to be:
- Often these are based in fundamentals like
- diet,
- sleep,
- exercise,
- fostering time in nature,
- using meditation and mantra,
- as well as modern modalities to reprogram like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- or Internal Family System (IFS)
- to create the repetitive inputs that Nicola Vignola (Neurologist mentioned above) says we need to create new brain structures (Neurology), habits and thinking styles which support our goals.
- In general the methods one uses will be different but I can provide a ‘menu’ of sorts with these tools and you can choose what feels right for you.
- These lifestyle changes can be implemented with or without psychedelic support but if you want to do a higher quality and faster job then you can look to add Psychedelics’ potent ability for Neurological reset and growth of new and greater number of connections.
- Often these are based in fundamentals like
- Drink Ayahuasca or Psilocybin in order to receive the benefits of a neurological reset and Neuroplasticity:
- As described above the addition of Psychedelics to lifestyle changes allows us to take advantage of Psychedelic’s ability to reset and grow our Neurology.
- How do we add psychedelics to the mix? That is the aim of My Courses pages which are now being built.
- In brief, psychedelics reduce activity in the areas of your brain where your ‘old neurology’ (Default Mode Network) are and allow you to create brand new and many more connections free of trauma. Preparation for these requires us to look at safety and a particular process of preparing ourselves with Dieta, intentions in addition to the behavioral changes mentioned above which in the psychedelic community is known as ‘Integration’.
- If you want to use these courses I very much suggest you join my communities on X or Discord to discuss and receive support there in combination with the course itself. I am active in these and we can support each other in our psychedelic quests.
Connect with the community:
Also see my communities on X and Discord where you can ask any questions about Neural Reprogramming.