Simply put a Claustrum Cycle is a natural process that takes place monthly in your body and specifically your brain where ‘The Claustrum’ structure, as it is called, in your brain releases an oil (Calustrum Oil) which triggers the release of a psychoactive substance known as N,N-Dimethyltryptamine or more commonly as DMT.
A Claustrum Cycle is also known as Christ Oil, The Sacred Secretion, Kundalini Energy, Inner Alchemy and The Monthly Seed. All of these refer to a similar internal release of DMT.
It is thought, as we’ll expand on in the next lesson, that the Oil physically passes down one side of your spine and up the other over the 2-3 day Claustrum Period. The path of the Oil maps onto the Ida and the Pingala Nerves which make up what western science would call the Vegas Nerve.
DMT is also a psychoactive ingredient found in nature. It is in Ayahuasca Tea for example, as it commonly ocurrs in the botanical world and is also found in mammals including humans.
Taking advantage of this monthly release can illicit spiritual development because psychdelics like DMT lower activity in the Default Mode Network (DMN) of your brain. It’s within this network where your Ego is thought to live by Neuroscientists. With reduction in activity in this part of the brain we therefore reduce the strength of The Ego and as the old saying goes, “when the Ego dies the sould awakens”.
Spiritual Development is possible during this Claustrum Cycle because the Ego is filtering information and insights from ‘around you’ which are always present but not always ‘picked up on’ by our conscious brain. Your brain, and specifically The DMN and The Ego, filters reality around you letting some information pass to your senses and other info is filtered out from your conscious attention.
Your brain is doing this for multiple reasons but from the material, evolutionary lense it’s doing so in order to focus you on survival. Survival, even with a lot of the suffering in day to day human life, is your Egos preferred state – it is not concerned overly with Spiritual Development.
When we disengage The Ego slightly with DMT for 2-3 days during a Claustrum Cycle we reduce our Ego’s ability to filter information from us and we ‘receive insights’ and ‘spiritual lessons’ appropriate to us on our spiritual journey. These may come in the form of dreams, insights or ‘eureka moments’ or synchronicities.