4.0 What to do after a Christ Oil Cycle?
Well that depends on you. If you were fasting you might enjoy having a full meal but try to keep the same PH Neutral diet for 2-7 days after the cycle has ended as well. This will gradually allow your body to come out of it instead of going straight back to processed foods and steak for example. Also, aim to have small meals if you have been fasting as your stomach probably shrank some while you weren’t eating.
Integration of learnings:
It’s possible that you have learned something quite profound and/or emotional about yourself and you may need a few days or even weeks to process it in various ways. These may make you feel positive or negative for a time. In the case you are experiencing some strong negative emotions then I advise you not to take any rash actions and just let things settle for some days or weeks.
For example, in one of my recent cycles I learned that I was likely a late diagnosed ADHD’er and while this was welcome in some respects it also made me emotional and angry/upset for a few days. I wrote a few emails that I didn’t end up sending as I was angry and wrote hurtful things to people close to me. I needed some time to adjust to what I had learned. So, how did I process these emotions?
- Writing or jounaling (for your eyes only) can as such be a useful way to process emotions and feelings after receiving insights.
- Confiding in a friend or loved one can also be a great way to release emotions in a supportive way. I would advise against discussing this with aquaintances or people you don’t know very well.
- Letting the emotions settle and not reacting too soon helped me to see positives of a late stage diagnosis.
Within a week or so I had integrated it and become OK with it. I was emotional because I figured someone surely should have noticed and helped me. I felt abandoned a little which made me angry. In a few days afterward it also occurred to me that while the label is somewhat useful if I had known when I was younger doctors probably would have just put me on medication and I’m quite sure my family would have not understood how to deal with it well.
On the positive side it gave me a new way to understand myself and that was useful and supportive once I had processed the emotions and let them settle.
In summary,
- Don’t make rash decisions of communications with others if you are emotional after a Claustrum Cycle. Instead take some time to let the insights and emotions settle.
- Journaling can be a useful and private way to process any strong emotions you want to.
- Communicating with a friend or loved one can also relive powerful emotions we may be having.
- Meditation and Mantra are also powerful ways to process spiritual learnings as well as
- breathwork,
- more time in nature,
- art, music etc etc
- can you see a pattern? Yes that’s it! The same practices that I asked you to do during the CLaustrum Cycle are the same internal tools you can use to integrate your learnings. These tools can be used at any time you like.
Whether you have strong positive or negative emotions all of these are perfectly normal for humans to have and there are ways to deal with them.

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