3.0 Day-to-Day Routine for Christ Oil Cycle
During the 2-3 day period of The Christ Oil Cycle your activities will ideally change to include certain ones which are more conducive to internal alchemy.
Activities to exclude/reduce:
- Exclude activities which make your body ‘acidic’ like heavy weight lifting or intense physical exercise. Exercise should be relatively gentle like walking and/or Yin Yoga.
- Remove activities and influences which make you angry or overly emotional. This could include podcasts or news shows on topics which make you angry but could also be spending time with people who trigger you.
- Anger and strong negative emotions can cause acidity in the body and this will interrupt the Christ Oil its travels.
- Diet wise I discussed in the previous section that you should be removing foods and drinks from your diet which cause your body to be acidic. Alkaline Diet Recipes are good to eat during this period.
- Reduce dramtically the time on spend on your phone or in fact any screens in general.
Activities to promote:
- Promote Alkaline Diet,
- It is also possible to fast through the 2-3 day period of your cycle but in the days preceding and afterwards eat as per the Alkaline diet. I’ll cover fasting in the next section,
- meditation,
- Yin Yoga,
- time in nature (its very grounding),
- reading a physical book – see reading list in next lessons,
- journaling,
- listening to or playing music (classical style soft of binaural beats type music),
- doing art like drawing or painting.
- I suggest at least one hour or outdoor time ideally during the day to maximise sunlight exposure.
- Spend time with pets or by yourself.
The main goals with these lists of things to include and exclude is to keep the PH balance in your body alkaline and to try to turn your focus internally via your activities during this time.
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