2.1 : 2-7 days of Diet preparation for Christ Oil Cycle
In order to allow the release and travel of The Christ Oil (and related DMT) in your body to be much more effective we can change our diet of food and drink in order to make our bodies have what is known as an Alkaline state. Alkalinity is a property of water, in this case water in our bodies, that measures our bodies ability to neutralize acids and bases and maintain a stable pH level we can measure this via what is known as a “PH Level”. An Alkaline state is the opposite of acidic and helps the process immensely in my and other peoples experience.
When we eat animal products, sugar and processed foods we make our bodies more acidic and this stops the Christ Oil from traveling through your nervous system because these foods are acidic in PH value and stops the process. Therefore it is of utmost importance during preparation that we achieve an alkaline state by altering our diet and furthermore by our habits & practices.
We can find similar techniques in other spiritual practices as well which ask us to remove certain foods. For example, the Vedic practices of Ancient India often require students to remove animal products from their diet. Instead they eat a vegetarian diet. In Ayahuasca preparation they also try to achieve an Alkaline State in order to more safely and effectively utilize the psychoactive properties of DMT.
So, for between 2 to 7 days BEFORE the Christ Cycle look to reduce acidic types of foods and promote alkaline ones. Based on my experience the more strict you can be with this diet the more effective your results will be.
So, what can we eat and what can’t we eat,
- Remove these kinds of food from your diet:
- Garlic
- Hot spices
- Fat from meat
- No pork, red meat, chicken
- Fermented foods
- Wine, beer or hard alcohol, coffee
- Processed foods (Nothing in a box, bag, or can with ingredients you can’t pronounce)
- Promote these kinds of food:
- Olive or Coconut oil
- Honey
- Stevia
- Salt & Pepper
- Rice, quinoa, amaranth
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Nuts
- Herbal tea
In the next lessons I will give you specific recipes you can try to help you in your preparation that are either Alkaline or very close in case you are not able to remove animal products completely due to some health reason.

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