2.3 Spiritual Hygiene in a Christ Oil Cycle
Some Spiritual Context:
When we are leveling up in our spiritual practices we also should look for protection from negative entities which are incentivized to stop us from learning more. Negative entities literally gather energy from sources of negative energy and when you are low in spiritual progression you tend to feel and generate more anxiety and depressive type symptoms. Christ Oil Cycles allow you to reduce these kinds of emotions and hence negative entities have a vested interest in scaring you off of your new found spiritual development because they will have more ‘food’ generally speaking.
Sometimes negative entities will come to you in dreams, physical reality via other people or circumstances which negatively effect you in attempts to warn you off of such progress. As such we can take some steps to increase protection and reduce the chances of these negative interactions from happening.
How do we apply Spiritual Hygiene?
- Keep a clean bedroom and house generally. Wherever you spend a lot of time should be clean and organized. Dirty environments promote negative entities.
- Use aromatherapy to make your living environments have a pleasant smell. This raises the vibration of your energetic field and of that around you. This is why burning Sage is so popular.
- Take pink Himalayan salt, add it to fresh water and sprinkle this over your forehead in the morning while showering. Salt has natural protection abilities as does Garlic.
- You can do mantra chanting or meditate on positive concepts like love to raise your vibration. See Gaytri Mantra below**. This is especially good for cleansing entities from dreams.
- Eat a diet that does not include processed goods but instead very oragnic natural foods like meat, vegetables. Remove the sugar, etc. Using the recipes in the previous 2 lessons will help a lot. This also raises your vibration of your energetic field positively.
** Mantra wise this is a great one to use. It also has the additional benefit of helping us sleep and removing excess negative energy. It’s called Gaytri Mantra and is very famous in India as its one of the oldest known Mantra from The Rig Veda. Chant this mantra entire mantra once per day in full. It is great to do just before sleep but can also be done whenever you have time.
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