2.3 Spiritual Hygiene in a Christ Oil Cycle
Some Spiritual Context:
When we are leveling up in our spiritual practices we also should look for protection from negative entities which are incentivized to stop us from raising our spiritual understanding and vibration. Negative entities literally gather energy from sources of negative energy and when we are early in our spiritual progression we ourselves can be the source of this negative energy as we often have many negative thoughts and emotions. Christ Oil Cycles allow you to reduce these kinds of emotions over time as well as greatly raise your vibration and Psychic powers. Hence, negative entities are incentivized to scare you off of your new found spiritual development because any negative entities around you will have less of their own energy source to sustain themselves if you are of a high vibraiton.
In my experience, low level negative entities might try to scare you off your path by coming to you in your dreams or indeed physical reality via other people and life circumstances which negatively effect you. With this in mind we can take some steps to increase protection and reduce the chances of these negative interactions from happening. I should note that there are many ways and different intensities of how one might ward of negative entities. The below practices have seen me through my own encounters but your mileage may vary. Feel free to reach out to the community if you have issues you can’t get rid of.
How do we apply Spiritual Hygiene?
- Keep clean living areas especially your house and bedroom where you sleep. Wherever you spend a lot of time should be clean and organized. Dirty environments promote negative entities.
- Use aromatherapy to make your living environments have a pleasant smell. This raises the vibration of your energetic field and of the fields around you. This is why burning Sage is so popular. Note, don’t use chemicals or commercial and store bought ‘air fresheners’ as these are more than likely toxic. Natural herbs and incense only.
- Take pink Himalayan salt, add it to fresh water and sprinkle this over your forehead in the morning while showering. Salt has natural protection abilities as does Garlic. You could also sprinkle some with your fingers over any space you wanted like the bed etc.
- You can do mantra chanting or meditate on positive concepts like love to raise your vibration. As discussed negative entities gain energy from your negative energies so when we raise our vibration with a meditation on love we remove the energy with which they sustain themselves and they naturally move on to lower hanging fruit.
- In order to raise your vibration with Love start a meditation or mantra and focus on all the things which caused you to feel love previously. Love from family members, pets, community, divine experiences etc. Think of them and replay them in your mind and remember the feeling. Even 10- 15 minutes of this can mean a lot when it comes to raising your vibration out of the lower.
- Eat a diet that does not include processed goods but instead organic & natural choices. Remove the sugar, etc. Using the recipes in the previous two lessons will help a lot. Healthy food raises the vibration of our energetic field positively aka you create for yourself a stronger aura.

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