Spiritual Awakening and Ascension: a how to guide

Course Description:

What is a Spiritual Awakening?

A Spiritual Awakening begins when one begins to believe that the universe is not only material but also that immaterial or hidden realms exist. When you look at an animal and see a spirit, when you hear music and feel a communion with something higher as examples. A Spiritual Awakening feels like insight after insight along these lines. There are infinite of these observations to be had. You will see them all around you.

A further example, is to understand that the music which moves something in you has all the material world attributes we could imagine like frequency and pitch and rhythm but that not only these things exist but also the ‘feeling’ or emotion that is promoted in us as a result of the sounds.

What is the hidden or immaterial attributes of music?

  • In my personal experience I would say that higher beings use music as a form of communication.
  • They don’t have physical bodies with voice boxes and a language like we think about them (English, Spanish, Ancient Greek etc) so for them one way to communicate or commune with us is via music.
  • Another is also image – there is a reason why religious traditions use image and music in order to enhance their practices.
  • Music and image (sculpture, paintings etc) are literal forms of communication with higher beings and divine forces.
  • Really communion is a better word. You “commune” (experiencing feelings, emotions, synchronicities etc) with deity often times although some people who have particularly high spiritual levels have more or less a direct, linguistic based communication. This is what channeling is.

Spectrum of Spiritual Awakening:

A Spiritual Awakening is a process as much as it is a destination. It is a spectrum of experiences which lead to an ultimate Moksha (when you are released from the endless cycles of birth and rebirth as a human on a material 3D Earth). Another way to say ‘spectrum’ would be stages. As we progress towards Moksha or a full awakening we go through stages or development. We experience periods of great advancement and progress and then have periods of plateau also.

Some people refer to the process along the way to Moksha as a ‘Spiritual Ascension’ and this refers to the ongoing process of learning and understanding of the spirit realms and how they connect to the material realms. In reality ascension is not linear and involves many stops and start, barriers and plateaus and even over many lifetimes. The barriers we encounter, correctly viewed, are actually Spiritual lessons that we are required to have to attain Moksha. The illnesses we have, the crisis, the positive moments and relationships etc etc. It’s all a very complex game for you to learn and slowly progress.

Along the way there will be ‘Dark nights of the Soul, great distress, sadness, joy, peace and all the emotions and realisations possible. This is the journey. The first step in the Journey is simply understanding or experiencing that the realm of spirit exists. If you have come to this conclusion then you are ready to delve further into the process of Ascension with the ultimate goal of awakening and attaining Moksha.

How to progress along the ascension path to awakening?

Ascension towards awakening can be aided by learning and practicing Spiritual Practices as are appropriate for wherever you are in the Spectrum or for your particular stage of spiritual development. You will know which practices are for you just by a gut feeling or interest in particular tools. You may change tools as you progress or perhaps you use one. Everyone is diffierent and there are various tools that I will teach you to appeal to many different people seeking awakening.

With all of this in mind I, Vinay, have developed a course in Spiritual Awakening and Ascension for you to use and follow. It contains within it understanding and more importantly tools. Very, very effective tools that you can use to garner and develop your own understanding of the process. I give you the tools primarily and less so the understanding. I am a very practical person and do not seek to dictate to you overly ‘how things are’ but more provide the tools for you to learn the state of things for yourself.

Some people enjoy following a Guru or Spiritual Leader and there are times and places for leaders but at the end of the day you actually do not need a master, guru or teacher for anything other than attaining skills for which you can progress by yourself. I can give you the skills as I have learned them but I seek not to be a leader.

I came by these spiritual skills (I’ll outline them in depth in the full course) mostly by trial and error and grappling with my own life crises. My own life crisis forced me to cope with them by learning various ways to heal my body and lower at times crippling anxiety. I have,

  • huge amounts of anxiety (top 6% by population – not an accolade you would normally want),
  • ADHD (so they say but I call BS on this being permanent),
  • Arthritis (I can barely sit for more than a few minutes without pain) and
  • I have battled and currently do still with addictions of various kinds (alcoholism, food for eg’s).

These attributes have been given to me through Karma, I believe, in order so that I may use them as catalyst for spiritual development. Some say they are curses and that I am in great suffering or have bad luck but these people are uninitiated in the realms of Spirit and could be accurately termed ‘dead materialists’.

Viewed from the perspective of a ‘dead materialist’ I am in pain and suffering both physically and psychologically and the analysis ends there. No conclusion to make apart from ‘life sucks then you die’ but dead materialists have no concept of the hidden or immaterial realms because they are not yet ready to traverse this path or higher progression (perhaps in the next life they will). We could also say they have not yet been ‘initiated’ on to the path.

From the perspective of an initiate on the path of Spiritual Awakening we have an idea of both material and immaterial/hidden aspects of reality. Viewed from this perspective these material psychological and physical problems are Karma and Catalyst given to me in order to allow me to focus on and navigate the path of Spiritual Awakening. These are my guides and teachers on the path to awakening. Perhaps you have your own.

The Egyptians used to say ‘as above, so below’ as a way to refer to this connection between the material and the physical. To understand one without the other is simply to only observe half of reality and from a scientific observation point of view this would be the equivalent of having a bias data set or too small of a sample leading to incorrect analysis and conclusions.

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