3.0 The actual day of the ceremony
On the day of the ceremony I would like to think you are feeling very relaxed knowing you have already done most of the work. I take the appraoch to Ayahuasca that the ceremony itself is ‘built’ largely by your preparations. By the time I get to the actual day of the ceremony I suggest a few things.
- We are not stressing. We prepared well and now we are relaxing.
- Play an instrument.
- Meditate.
- Do Yin Yoga.
- Read from the reading list.
- Prepare or eat meals with other retreat particupants but avoid politics, religion and controversial topics with other guests. This is not really a time to be super social so much as it is to go internal and not engage the Ego but its also nice to meet your fellow guests. Don’t be surprised if people are not very chatty at a retreat – they are perhaps turning their attention inwards and saving it for ceremony as happens sometimes.
- Usually ceremonies are in the evening so have breakfast but not lunch or dinner. Eat a light snack if very hungry. Its not uncommon to purge in ceremony so anything you eat soon before ceremony youll throw up likely anyhow.
- You shaman may ask you to prepare with a Garlic Bath or similar directly prior to ceremony which is a spiritual cleanse and protection (in addition to his own practices).
For the the ceremony itself your Shaman will guide you.
Here is a description of what a ceremony may look like in the traditions with which I’ve had experience in but your mileage may vary. I don’t want to colour your experience too much by describing too much how a ceremony is so I am just giving you an outline in the above link. It’s also possible yoru particular retreat will do it differently also.
I would recommend wearing white, cotton ceremonial clothes to ceremony. This is not 100% necessary but shows respect for the process and is a nice touch. The Shaman will be wearing something similar as part of their practice most likely.
What to do directly after the ceremony?
Go to sleep is the best advice I can offer. If you are hungry eat something light like fruit and then go to bed. Avoid listening to music or chatting too much with others but a quick debrief is sometimes fine. Ceremonies are sometimes tiresome and often you will be tired and just want to rest and sleep.
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