Things you can’t take (contraindication) with Ayahuasca
Any medication which interacts with the Serotonin Receptors of the brain will be problematic when combined with Ayahuasca. Common contraindications are medication for depression, altitude sickness, some malarial medications but is not limited to these. Notably, there are other health concerns and issues associated with drinking Ayahuasca. You should not drink Ayahuasca when, What is…
Where is Ayahuasca legal? (legally drink ayahuasca)
To drink Ayahuasca in a strictly legal setting you are best to head to either South America especially Peru or join one of the two legal Ayahuasca churches in the United States. If you are in Europe Spain and Portugal have options for you. That being said the legal status of Ayahuasca is not black…
What is the point of Ayahuasca?
The point of Ayahuasca can be multiple depending on you. It has mental, physical and spiritual benefits which draw people towards it. Many western people use it for psychological release of various life trauma but some people also use it for physical healing.
What is Ayahuasca Ceremony? (ayahuasca retreats)
An Ayahuasca Ceremony is ritual where a group of people drink an indigenous Psychedelic Tea originally from the Amazon Basin in order to have personal insights about themselves and perhaps heal from psychological trauma. In your first Ayahuasca Ceremony you can expect to feel nervous but if you follow the advice in this article you…
Best Ayahuasca Retreats (authentic ayahuasca retreats)
Authentic Ayahuasca Retreats have experienced shamans, medically screen participants, have groups less than 12 people and don’t rush you through the process. We asked Reddit experienced Ayahuasca users from Reddit how to best pick a retreat and then took this and found retreats from all over the world which align closely with their advice.
Peru Ayahuasca Retreat cost (I surveyed 11 ayahuasca retreats)
Ayahuasca de Beneficios
Los beneficios de la Ayahuasca pueden ser físicos, mentales y espirituales y están muy relacionados con el nivel de disolución del ego que experimentas durante la ceremonia.
What I’ve learned about Ayahuasca Retreats in the last year
15 months ago I drank Ayahuasca in an Ayahuasca Retreat in Peru for the first time. 6 months later I drank again at the same retreat. Since then, my perspectives on life have altered dramatically and I am a better person for it. Here is what I’ve learned in the last 15 months since drinking…
Muerte y ayahuasca: cómo sucede y cómo evitarlo
Después de leer un poco por la red, descubrí que la mayoría de las muertes durante las ceremonias de Ayahuasca no están relacionadas con la planta en sí. Hablaré sobre cuáles fueron las verdaderas razones de la muerte, pero principalmente en este artículo intentaré ayudarlo a pensar cómo puede minimizar su riesgo de muerte por…
¿Cuánto cuesta la ayahuasca en Perú? Inspeccioné 14 retiros