What can you eat on the Ayahuasca Diet: simple guide
Preparing for Ayahuasca is very very important if you are going to take Ayahuasca seriously. Here is my simple guide to preparing both physically and mentally for and Ayahuasca experience which could be the turning point to changing the negative patterns in your life.
Ayahuasca diet recipes: so you don’t have to think too hard
The Ayahuasca diet can be hard to put your finger on exactly. In this post, I suggest that following an Alkaline Diet is very similar and will give you lots of inspiration for the Ayahuasca diet. I also provide some of my recent favorites and give some examples of food I was served at a…
Eating the day of an Ayahuasca Ceremony
Don’t eat much is the short answer but, if you do it should be according to the Ayahuasca Diet and you should try not to eat or drink much for about 6-8 hours before the start of the ceremony itself.
19 recetas de dieta de ayahuasca: para que no tengas que pensar demasiado
Aquí hay 19 comidas veganas inspiradas en ayahuasca para que pruebes. Es posible que deba modificarlos un poco para eliminar ciertos alimentos, pero están muy cerca de las comidas de la dieta de Ayahuasca.
What are the negative effects of Ayahuasca? (adverse effects & ayahuasca side effects)
The negative effects of Ayahuasca are potentially, purging, risk of stroke, in some rare cases psychosis and in extreme situations death. Note, the more severe side effects are able to be quite easily mitigated with some research and basic precautions for the majority of people. Read on for more info on all of these and…
How does Ayahuasca affect the brain? (physical and mental effects)
**Updated March 2023** Ayahuasca Tea can affect the brain by introducing DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) which reduces the activity of the Default Mode Network (DMN). DMN is a network of areas of the brain which are highly connected to each other during waking life. It’s possible you can have intense, health promoting, introspective hallucinations as the DMT…
What are the dangers of Ayahuasca? (side effects)
Mainly the dangers of Ayahuasca can come from
Is the ayahuasca diet necessary?
The short answer is yes. The longer answer is, it will help you to purge less and, reduce the risk of stroke. If you want to learn the details of how these all work then read on…