Ayahuasca diet recipes: so you don’t have to think too hard

The Ayahuasca diet can be hard to put your finger on exactly. In this post, I suggest that following an Alkaline Diet is very similar and will give you lots of inspiration for the Ayahuasca diet. I also provide some of my recent favorites and give some examples of food I was served at a Peruvian Ayahuasca retreat recently.

Full preparation guide:

What to eat is only part of the Ayahuasca preparation process. Read out full Ayahuasca preparation guide which includes discussion on food, drink, medications, intentions, how long to prepare and even continuing the dieta after your ceremonies are complete.


These recipes aren’t based on the hardcore Ayahuasca Dieta style meals which are very very basic. If you are following this, you don’t really need to have any recipes. I’m sure they vary but from what I’ve seen, they are simply rice and plantains with the occasional fish every so often.

To be honest, I can’t do that for more than a few days on the strict diet. I like to add some fresh fruit and vegetables but, still keep it very clean with very little salt and sugar.

Example meals from my retreat:

I like to go to Santuario Retreat in Pucallpa Peru and these are some of the meals I was given while there. Simple but, can be really good.

You’ll notice that there are some things like avocado, eggs and lemon and honey (sugar) which they use but, it’s always in small quantities. Some Ayahuasca Diets will steer you clear of these but, in my experience, a little is OK as long as it’s infrequent.

Normally breakfast was oats but every now and then we got eggs and sweet potato.

Lunch and dinner were usually pretty similar. Here we have plain quinoa and a salad of beetroot and carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers and avocados.

Dinner was sometimes a mix too with lentils, rice, salad, and an omelete. Lime for flavoring.

Specific recipes from my last preparation diet for Ayahuasca:

Rice and salad with a small apple for a snack:

Really simple but filling. I added some lime to this for which combines with the onion to create a nice flavor. Some say no onion on an Ayahuasca diet but a little is fine.


  • 2 cups Brown rice
  • 1/4 of small Lettuce
  • 1/4 small Onions
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 1/4 Cucumber
  • Handful of Cilantro
  • 2 small limes or lemons.
  • A green apple for a little extra snack afterward.

Super simple preparation:

  • Boil rice. I like to rinse it afterward to remove starch.
  • Chop up all the salad ingredients and place on a plate next to the rice. Squeeze the lime or lemon over the salad for a little flavoring.
  • Chop an apple up and add half of it to the plate for a little fruit snack if you think you still may be hungry.

Lentils rice and salad:

This is basically the same salad as described above but I added some almonds. I also mixed the rice with lentils. Make sure you rinse the lentils before you serve them or perhaps before you boil them as there are sometimes small rocks and dirt in them which can screw up your teeth!

Plain boiled rice, lentils with onions and cilantro and a side of cucumbers.

Chocolate quinoa oats with nuts, raisin and green apple for breakfast:

If you like a healthy hot breakfast you’ll enjoy this one.


  • 2 tablespoons of Quinoa powdered supplement (all natural). If you don’t have quinoa then another plant based supplement can substitute but don’t use dairy or whey based supplements which are common.
  • 2 cups of oats
  • Half a green apple.
  • A small handful of almonds or other nuts and raisins.


  • Add two cups of oats to a pot, add 4 cups of water and boil.
  • Before it finishes boiling add the quinoa supplement and mix it in.
  • Once boiled add it to a bowl and add the nuts, raisins, and apples and you’re ready to go.

More Alkaline diet recipes:

The recipes I mention above were inspired by the Alkaline Diet which is quite similar to an Ayahuasca diet so, if you don’t like any of these suggestions then you can search this on Google and find a lot more recipes than are available if you search for Ayahuasca. For example, here are some others I like.

Kale Pesto vegetable ‘Pasta’:

The pasta is actually made of the zucchini as pasta is a no-no. This recipe also has some olive oil and while mostly you should avoid oil a little is fine.

  • Handful of Tomatoes
  • Zucchini (aka vegetable pasta)
  • 2 cups of basil
  • 1 bunch of kale
  • 2 limes
  • Walnuts – optional
  • 1/4 cup of love oil.


Blend all the ingredients except, the zucchini pasta and tomatoes. Take this mix and if possible leave it overnight in the fridge for much more flavor.

Then mix the zucchini in with the pasta and the tomatoes and serve. Easy.

Breakfast smoothie:

  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 2 cups almond milk, unsweetened
  • 1 cup of frozen berries of your choice
  • 2 bananas peeled obviously.
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds


Blend it all up and enjoy. With the chia seeds, if you don’t have a decent blender then you might want to either leave these out or crush them by hand in a mortar and pestle. They are very small so some blenders can’t handle them.


You can’t drink too many different things on your Ayahuasca diet. Water obviously but, also you can have lemongrass tea with honey added if you like. Try for as natural honey as possible.

This article has been written according to ayahuascaeasy.com editorial policy.


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3 years ago

Hi, thanks for sharing but I have ready you are not supposed to specifically eat: ripe avocados, raisins or citrus fruits before the ceremony.

3 years ago

Thank you for the information!!! Very helpful. I’ve been informed for my dieta to also avoid citrus fruits, like limes and berries, and fatty fruits like avocado and banana. But only the day of ceremony, when your tummy should be empty. Thank you again 💓

2 years ago

Thanks for the recipes. I appreciate the ideas to wrap my head around it. 🙂

With a deep commitment to personal and spiritual development, Vinay has over 6 years experience integrating Psychedelic experiences and around 12 Ayahuasca & Psilocybin experiences done in a ceremonial fashion.

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