Things you can’t take (contraindication) with Ayahuasca
Where is Ayahuasca legal? (legally drink ayahuasca)
Best Ayahuasca Retreats (authentic ayahuasca retreats)
Authentic Ayahuasca Retreats have experienced shamans, medically screen participants, have groups less than 12 people and don’t rush you through the process. We asked Reddit experienced Ayahuasca users from Reddit how to best pick a retreat and then took this and found retreats from all over the world which align closely with their advice.
Muerte y ayahuasca: cómo sucede y cómo evitarlo
Después de leer un poco por la red, descubrí que la mayoría de las muertes durante las ceremonias de Ayahuasca no están relacionadas con la planta en sí. Hablaré sobre cuáles fueron las verdaderas razones de la muerte, pero principalmente en este artículo intentaré ayudarlo a pensar cómo puede minimizar su riesgo de muerte por tomar Ayahuasca.
Is Ayahuasca good for anxiety?
** Updated March 2023 **
Yes Ayahuasca is good for anxiety in that it can change your ‘mental perspective’ and you can ‘step out’ of you the part of your ‘mind’ which is experiencing the anxiety.
What can you eat on the Ayahuasca Diet: simple guide
Preparing for Ayahuasca is very very important if you are going to take Ayahuasca seriously. Here is my simple guide to preparing both physically and mentally for and Ayahuasca experience which could be the turning point to changing the negative patterns in your life.
Ayahuasca diet recipes: so you don’t have to think too hard
Ego Death Symptoms (ego dissolution)
** Updated March 2023 **
Symptoms of ego death can be varied and unique but generally may include,
- feeling closer to the people in your life,
- new mental perspectives, aka ‘becoming the observer’,
- introspective visual and emotional sensations or hallucinations,
- out of body experiences,
- simulation experiences and
- synchronicity events.
Eating the day of an Ayahuasca Ceremony
Don’t eat much is the short answer but, if you do it should be according to the Ayahuasca Diet and you should try not to eat or drink much for about 6-8 hours before the start of the ceremony itself.
19 recetas de dieta de ayahuasca: para que no tengas que pensar demasiado
Aquí hay 19 comidas veganas inspiradas en ayahuasca para que pruebes. Es posible que deba modificarlos un poco para eliminar ciertos alimentos, pero están muy cerca de las comidas de la dieta de Ayahuasca.
Is the ayahuasca diet necessary?
The short answer is yes. The longer answer is, it will help you to purge less and, reduce the risk of stroke. If you want to learn the details of how these all work then read on...
Ayahuasca Diet Cook Book: Free PDF
I’ve taken 27 Ayahuasca Recipes from around the internet and compiled them into a PDF for you to download. You could consider it a cook book of sorts.
19 ayahuasca diet recipes: so you don’t have to think too hard
** Updated March 2023 **
Here are 19 vegan diet inspired ayahuasca meals for you to try. You will need to tweak them a little to remove certain foods but they are very close to Ayahuasca Diet meals.
27 Ayahuasca diet recipes: from breakfast to dessert
I’ve taken 27 alkaline recipes from the web and altered them to be appropriate for an Ayahuasca Diet(a). There is also a downloadable PDF of these recipes.
Ceremony 4 at Santuario Huistin 2019 (Curandera Aimee)
It was Thursday, March 7th, 2019 and I was in my 6th ever Ayahuasca experience at Santuario Huishtin Retreat in Peru. By 750 pm that night I had drunk a full cup of Ayahuasca. I have done two before but I find one is a good place for me. I get in contact with her and I can come out of it if I want to. I do see myself taking 2-3 cups in a ceremony in the future, however. There is a benefit, I believe, from going deeper sometimes.
The Ayahuasca diet (dieta)
Before you drink Ayahuasca an Ayahuasca Diet(a) prepares you to drink safely and after drinking keeping your diet(a) ensures the maximin benefit is bestowed to you. Let’s look at how to undertake an Ayahuasca Diet(a) and give you some recipes to prepare.
Ayahuasca preparation: how to prepare for Ayahuasca
Preparing for Ayahuasca you should restrict your diet, medications and habits between 2 and 8+ weeks prior to drinking Ayahuasca. Let’s look at all of this in detail.