I’ve taken 27 Ayahuasca Recipes from around the internet and compiled them into a PDF for you to download. You could consider it a cook book of sorts.
Full preparation guide:
What to eat is only part of the Ayahuasca preparation process. Read out full Ayahuasca preparation guide which includes discussion on food, drink, medications, intentions, how long to prepare and even continuing the dieta after your ceremonies are complete.
Some important notes before the recipes:
- Thanks to the Alkaline Sisters who were the basis for most of these recipes. Alkaline Meals are very similar to that required for an Ayahuasca Diet(a) so I have gone through these recipes and selected those that are most applicable to preparing for Ayahuasca and just removed some ingredients which these two diets do not have in common. For example, I have removed red meat, garlic, salt, overripe fruit most oils or other ingredients which aren’t allowed on an Ayahuasca Dieta(a).
- Cooking without oils: Cooking without oils. Generally you should avoid using oils on an Ayahuasca Diet(a). Some people wonder how you don’t burn food without oil BUT if you have a decent non-stick pan and add small amounts of water instead of the oil then it is totally possible and even easy.
- I wrote another post with more information on why an Ayahuasca diet is necessary and information on pharmaceuticals and ayahuasca for those that need the full story otherwise get amongst these recipes!
So, here you go here is an Ayahuasca PDF Cook Book available for free download.
Your recipes look great but citrus fruit, onion and ginger are no-nos for most ceremonies
hello, I came here to find some recipes and meal plans for an upcoming ceremony in a couple weeks. My shamans sent out the dieta that states
ELIMINATE THESE ~ No avocado, no dairy, no cheese or milk, no raw bananas (cooked bananas are fine), no pineapple, no citrus (lime, lemon, orange), no mango, no red meat or pork, no alcohol, no hot spices, no garlic. The fermentation of these foods do not combine well with the medicine.
REDUCE THESE ~ caffeine, preservatives, soy sauce, onions, fermented foods, coffee, tomatoes, fried foods, processed sugar, bread, sweeteners, black or green tea, sex, masturbation. Also reduce the use of technology where you can. Cell phone/technology addictions are on the rise and get us use to the ‘quick fix’ mentality which impedes growth. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN EAT ~ enjoy nuts, almond milk, cashew milk, chicken, fish, veggies, eggs, berries, any non-fibrous fruits are ok (choose organic when possible)
Id love to make some of your recipes but I’m worried because many of the foods they say to eliminate are listed in the recipes. Mostly citrus, avocado, tomatoes.
You’ll find quite a lot of variation in Ayahuasca diet preparation guides so some of the confusion comes from that. For eg, I was instructed chicken and fish are out whereas they are in in yours. When in doubt follow your retreats instructions. If there are no immediate health concerns you should be fine. Your retreat should be screening for any health concerns.